Helping Business Owners Define and Create Significance
For many owners, the day-to-day demands of the business leave little time to address your personal wealth.
It’s at this point that priorities tend to shift from the demands of your work to the future of your family, from accumulating wealth to spending it in retirement, from building your business to leaving your mark. As a business owner you have the means to create that significance – we’ll show you how.
We work with business owners to help:
Define and focus your legacy goals
Set out a plan for transitioning or selling your business
Prepare your portfolio for retirement savings and funding
Take advantage of all opportunities to save on tax
Define your priorities and set out plans for gifting wealth and settling your estate

What’s worth your time and what isn’t?
While you’re working, your day is too full to be able to keep up with all the news and noise of the markets. We work with professionals to simplify the process of managing, preserving and growing their wealth.
We work with professionals to help:
Clarify your goals for your family, wealth and retirement
Narrow your planning and growth options based on your timelines and priorities
Build and maintain clear plans for your wealth
Coordinate your taxation, investing and preservation strategies

Create the retirement you want.
Retirement is your time to enjoy the things that hold meaning in your life. We’ll help you clarify your vision and implement the strategies to make it happen.
We work with pre-retirees and retirees to help:
Define your retirement lifestyle and cash flow needs
Set your retirement date and the savings strategies to prepare for it
Manage and preserve your wealth during retirement
Manage investment risk according to your retirement planning status
Gift your wealth to charity and family without altering your lifestyle
Grow your wealth to meet personal goals such as travel and philanthropy

Live comfortably.
It takes more than wealth to live comfortably. We believe it requires a clear, practical strategy to ensure your wealth supports you and your family over the long term.
We work with affluent families to help:
Arrange education savings and prepare for other major expenses
Prioritize your intentions for preserving wealth, family support and your own retirement
Design a portfolio that suits your goals for preserving and growing your wealth
Identify appropriate protection and insurance strategies
”Like my clients, I enjoy what I do. I understand the need to take what’s been accomplished, to share it with family and to ensure it’ll be around for future generations. These are just some of the wealth goals I help my clients achieve.
Robert M. Lewkowitz, CPCAPresident, Lewkowitz Financial
Partner, Equity Associates